Informations about the album Drones by Muse
Saturday 18 January 2025 is the date of the release of Muse new album, entitled Drones.
We want to remind you some other old album preceeding this one: Simulation Theory / Black Holes and Revelations / The Resistance / The 2nd Law / Absolution / Showbiz.
The album is composed by 10 songs. You can click on the songs to see the corresponding lyrics and translations:
These are some hits sung by Muse. You will find the name of the album in brackets:
- Drones
- Defector
- Reapers
- Mercy
- Dead Inside
- Revolt
- Aftermath
- The Globalist
- The Handler
Some lyrics and translations of Muse
- SunburnMuse
- The VoidMuse
- Map Of The ProblematiqueMuse
- Knights Of CydoniaMuse
- HoodooMuse
- UnintendedMuse
- City Of DelusionMuse
- Save MeMuse
- Sing For AbsolutionMuse
- Time Is Running OutMuse
- MadnessMuse
- SupremacyMuse
- Supermassive Black HoleMuse
- UprisingMuse
- StarlightMuse
- PressureMuse
- The Dark SideMuse
- Something HumanMuse
- ResistanceMuse
- Thought ContagionMuse