Informations about the album Kisses on the Bottom by Paul McCartney
We are going to show you the latest album by Paul McCartney entitled Kisses on the Bottom. The album has been released on Sunday 19 January 2025.
We want to remind you some other old album preceeding this one: Egypt Station / McCartney / Home Tonight / In a Hurry / All the Best! / Ecce Cor Meum / Tug of War / Press to Play / Paul is Live / Tripping The Live Fantastic / Give My Regards To Broad Street / Pipes of Peace / Chaos and Creation in the Backyard / McCartney II / Flaming Pie / Снова в СССР (Back in the U.S.S.R.) / Memory Almost Full / Unplugged (The Official Bootleg) / McCartney III / McCartney III Imagined.
The album is composed by 29 songs. You can click on the songs to see the corresponding lyrics and translations:
These are some hits sung by Paul Mccartney. You will find the name of the album in brackets:
- The Glory Of Love
- My One and Only Love
- Home (When Shadows Fall)
- My Valentine (Johnny Mandel Original Arrangement)
- Ac-Cent-Tchu-Ate The Positive (Live from Capitol Studios)
- It's Only a Paper Moon
- My One And Only Love (Live from Capitol Studios)
- We Three (My Echo, My Shadow And Me) (Live from Capitol Studios)
- My Very Good Friend The Milkman (Live from Capitol Studios)
- I'm Gonna Sit Right Down And Write Myself A Letter (Live from Capitol Studios)
- It's Only A Paper Moon (Live from Capitol Studios)
- The Glory Of Love (Live from Capitol Studios)
- Get Yourself Another Fool (Live from Capitol Studios)
- I'm Gonna Sit Right Down And Write Myself A Letter
- Always
- Baby's Request
- Always (Live from Capitol Studios)
- More I Cannot Wish You (Live from Capitol Studios)
- My Very Good Friend The Milkman
- My Valentine
- More I Cannot Wish You
- Ac-Cent-Tchu-Ate The Positive
- The Inch Worm
- Bye Bye Blackbird (Live from Capitol Studios)
- Get Yourself Another Fool
- Only Our Hearts
- We Three (My Echo, My Shadow And Me)
- My Valentine (Live from Capitol Studios)
- Home (When Shadows Fall) (Live from Capitol Studios)
Some lyrics and translations of Paul Mccartney
- Slidin’Paul Mccartney
- Back In The U.s.s.r.Paul Mccartney
- Hey JudePaul Mccartney
- The Song We Were SingingPaul Mccartney
- Mccartney IiiPaul Mccartney
- Once Upon A Long AgoPaul Mccartney
- Used To Be BadPaul Mccartney
- The World TonightPaul Mccartney
- Seize The DayPaul Mccartney
- Lavatory LilPaul Mccartney
- Pretty BoysPaul Mccartney
- Deep Deep FeelingPaul Mccartney
- The Kiss Of VenusPaul Mccartney
- Women And WivesPaul Mccartney
- Long Tailed Winter BirdPaul Mccartney
- TogetherPaul Mccartney
- Ebony And IvoryPaul Mccartney
- Hi-heel SneakersPaul Mccartney
- Be-bop-a-lulaPaul Mccartney
- Good Rockin’ TonightPaul Mccartney