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Dein Zeichen - Absztrakkt & Roey Marquis II. album: list of songs and lyrics translation

Informations about the album Dein Zeichen by Absztrakkt & Roey Marquis II.

Absztrakkt & Roey Marquis II. finally released Sunday 19 January 2025 his new music album, entitled Dein Zeichen.
The list of 10 songs that compose the album is here:
These are some hits sung by Absztrakkt & Roey Marquis Ii.. You will find the name of the album in brackets:
  • Nächstes Leben
  • 2te Taufe
  • Vielleicht eine Wahrheit
  • Auferstehung
  • Mein Letzta
  • Sinnestantra in Barbielon
  • Der Auserwaehlte
  • Das goldne Kalb
  • Tabernakel
  • Ein Zeichen

Some lyrics and translations of Absztrakkt & Roey Marquis Ii.