Translations of Foreign Songs in English and Lyrics -

Sinais - Parte I - Di Ferrero album: list of songs and lyrics translation

Informations about the album Sinais - Parte I by Di Ferrero

We are going to show you the latest album by Di Ferrero entitled Sinais - Parte I. The album has been released on Friday 19 July 2019.
We want to remind you some other old album preceeding this one: Di Boa Sessions 1 (feat. Thiaguinho) / Di Boa Sessions 3 (feat. Vitor Kley).
The list of 6 songs that compose the album is here:
This is a small list of songs created by Di Ferrero that could be sung during the concert, including the name of the album from where each song came:
  • Seus Sinais
  • Viver Bem
  • Não É Tarde Demais
  • Vou Te Levar
  • Outra Dose
  • Diamante Raro

Some lyrics and translations of Di Ferrero